Coptic-Arabic Gospel
Institut Catholique Ms. Copte-Arabe 1, 1249-50 AD.
Folio 18v. : 5th illumination of the Gospel of Matthew

Beheading of John the Baptist

Fol. 18 v. : 5e enluminure de l'évangile de Matthieu
Le Martyre de Jean-Baptiste
Un soldat en jambières coupe la tête de Jean-Baptiste avec une longue épée. La tête se détache. Le saint est ligoté.
Inscription arabe (voir ill. pleine page) : la décapitation de Jean.

Folio 18v. : 5th illumination of the Gospel of Matthew
The Martyrdom of John the Baptist
A foot soldier cuts off the head of John the Baptist with a long sword. The head comes off. The saint is tied up.
Arabic inscription (see Fig full page.): The beheading of John
Source: L'évangéliaire copte-arabe de la Bibliothèque de Fels

Referenced as figure 172 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
172A to 172C. Manuscript, A - Beheading of the Baptist, B - Massacre of the Innocents, C - Centurion at Capernaum, Gospel, 1249-50 AD, Coptic, Institut Catholique Ms. Copte-Arabe 1, ff. 4v and 18v, Paris (Ler C).

Folio 4v, The Magi before Herod; The Massacre of the Innocents and Christ and the Centurion of Capernaum, Coptic-Arabic Gospel. Institut Catholique Ms. Copte-Arabe 1
Folio 56v, Betrayal by Judas; Christ Captive; Pilate Condemns Christ, Coptic-Arabic Gospel. Institut Catholique Ms. Copte-Arabe 1

See also a Syriac Gospel, British Library MS. Ad. 7170, c.1220AD
Ayyubid Hunter on an Incense-burner or Hand-warmer, 3rd quarter of 13th Century
Ayyubid inlaid metal basin, 1247-1249AD, Freer Gallery of Art (d'Arenberg Basin)

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