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Illustration from

Breydenbach's Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam

p52 Bernhard von Breydenbach and his journey to the Holy Land 1483-4 : a bibliography (1911)

by Hugh Davies

Detail of Crusaders at Damietta
portrayed as French Aventuriers

From the 1522 edition of Peregrinationes, in French, translated by Nicole Le Huen. Paris [Higman or Couteau ?] for Fr. Regnault [the younger] 20 Mar. 1522 [-3]

Back to Crusaders at Damietta, from the 1522 edition of Breydenbach's Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam

See also An Aventurier Soldier in Le Sacre, couronnement et entrée de Madame Claude Royne de France, Paris, vers 1517. BnF Ms Français 5750

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