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Ottoman Illustration from:

Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant, gravees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 & 1708 par l'ordre de M. de Ferriol, Ambassadeur du Roi a la Porte; et mis au jour en 1712 & 1713 par les soins de M. Le Hay.

[Collection of one hundred prints representing different nations of the Levant, engraved on the paintings from life in 1707 & 1708 by order of M. de Ferriol, Ambassador of the King to the Porte; and brought to light in 1712 & 1713 by the care of M. Le Hay]

Paris, 1714

From Paintings by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (Van Mour), 1671-1737

Kizlar Ağası, head of the black eunuchs. He is the keeper of the harem of the Great Lord

Le Kislar-Agassi, Chef des Eunuques noirs. Il est Sur-Ontendant du Serrail du Grand Seigneur

Engraved by Gérard Scotin, 1643-1715
The painting by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour
Previous: The Sultana Asseki or Sultana Queen, after Vanmour       Next: Kapısı Ağası (Ak Ağa), or chief of the white eunuchs, after Vanmour

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