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Illustration of Ottomans from Turkish Postcards from the 1950s of

Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople, par Jean Brindesi

Plate 12

Baş ÇavuşKul Kethüdası (Kâhyası)Kapıcı BaşıOrta Çavuşu
Basch Tschaousch Kol Kiayassi Capidji Baschi Orta Tschaousch
Officier d'Ordonnance Lieutenant Général Chambellan Fourrier de Régiment
Officer of Order Lieutenant General Chamberlain Regimental Fourrier

The Başçavuş was ranked 9th after the Janissary Ağa, and commander of the 5th Bölük Orta. The functions of this officer consisted in presenting the requests to the Council of the Aga, to collect the decisions from them and to invite the janissaries to meet in the Court of the palace to receive their Eulufé (pay). He was responsible for punishments.
The Kul Kethüdası is equal 2nd in rank after the Janissary Ağa and commamder of the Bölük Ortas.
The Ak Ağa (aka Bâbü’s-saâde Ağası & Kapı Ağası), is the chief white eunuch. The Gate of Felicity (Bab-üs Saâdet) is the entrance into the third court, the Enderûn.
Source: État militaire ottoman depuis la fondation de l'Empire jusqu'a nos jours (1882) by A. Djevad Bey

Back to the original Plate 12 of 'Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople', par Jean Brindesi

Previous: Officer of Order. Lieutenant General. Chamberlain. Regimental Fourrier
Next: Chasseur of the 33rd Battalion. Aşçıbaşı (ceremonial dress). Chasseur of the 33rd Battalion

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