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Illustration of Ottomans from Turkish Postcards from the 1950s of

Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople, par Jean Brindesi

Plate 21

Baş ÇuhadarSilahtar AğasıSolakPeyk
Bachi-Tchohadar Silahtar-Aga Solak Peik
1er Valet de Chambre du Sultan Porte-Glaive Gardes d'honneur Gardes d'honneur
1st Valet of the Sultan Sword Bearer (Left-handed)
Archer bodyguard to the Sultan
Messenger/Guard of Honour

The Çuhadar Ağa, or Master of the wardrobe. On great festivals, he follows the Sultan to the Mosque, and throws handfuls of new silver coins to the people.
The Silahtar Ağa or Sword-bearer, chief of the first four companies or chambers, as well as of the Zülüflü Baltacıs, can be considered as the Grand-Master of the Sultan’s household. He follows him, carrying the imperial sabre suspended behind his left shoulder; but on great solemnities he keeps it leaning on his right shoulder.
Source: Tableau général de l'Empire othoman par M. de Mouradgea d'Ohsson, c.1787

Back to the original Plate 21 of 'Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople', par Jean Brindesi

Previous: 1st Valet of the Sultan. Sword Bearer. (Left-handed)
Archer bodyguard to the Sultan. Messenger/Guard of Honour

Next: Master of Ceremonies. (& lower order). White Eunuch in the Service of the Harem. Crier of Prayers

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