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Illustration from the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp I c. 1522+
Siyawus enthroned in his palace at Balkh.

The figures wear early 16th century Iranian dress.

A larger image of Siyawus (Siyavush) enthroned in his palace at Balkh, from the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp

Siyawus (Siyavush) the son of Shah Kay Kawus (Kavus), enthroned in his palace at Balkh, discusses the terms of a treaty with the son of the ruler of Turan, while Rustam looks on from the left. At the same time the Turanians, under the firm control of a major domo, parade their gifts before Siyawus.
Source: p.188, The Mughal Emperors: And the Islamic Dynasties of India, Iran, and Central Asia by Francis Robinson.
Held by the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Tehran.

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