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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.

FIG. 3.-5, 8b: Gulshāh dans la tente de RabÄ«‘, assis sur un trône, auprès duquel il y a une servante; à gauche et à droite quatre serviteurs apportant des cadeaux à Gulshāh; fond sans couleur.
FIG. 3.-5, 8b: Gulshāh in the tent of RabÄ«‘, seated on a throne, with whom there is a servant; to the right and left four servants bearing gifts to Gulshāh; background without colour.

Detail of the 2 servants on the left.             Rabi tries to win the affections of the captured Gulshah, by offering her his wealth.

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