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Illustrations from
'Book of Fixed Stars' (Kitāb suwar al-kawākib al-ṯābita)
by ‛Abd al-Rahman ibn ‛Umar al-Ṣūfī,
dated 1009-10 (Bodleian Library, Oxford, manuscript Marsh 144)
Probably produced in Shiraz, Iran, during the Buwayhid Period.
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Referenced by CLOTHING The Saljuqs and the post-Saljuq period.
Other al-Sufi Manuscripts. 'Book of Fixed Stars' (Kitāb suwar al-kawākib al-ṯābita) by ‛Abd al-Rahman ibn ‛Umar al-Ṣūfī
Fatimid Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
11th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers