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The left panel of a
Triptych Showing the Forty Martyrs
Byzantine, late 11th - early 12th century. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, W-299

Title: Triptych Showing the Forty Martyrs
Place of creation: Byzantium
Date: Late 11th - early 12th century
Material: ivory and silver (frame)
Technique: carved and painted
Dimensions: 18.5 x 24.2 cm.
Acquisition date: Formerly in the Shuvalovs' collection
Inventory Number: W-299
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, W-299
The top two saints are referenced on p3 MAA 89 Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath & Angus McBride:
Byzantine warriors of the late 10th century.
Unfortunately the artistic style utilized betrays signs of a strong classical influence and some inaccuracies have thereby been introduced.
The old-fashioned greaves, for instance, are highly improbable at this date.
The lamellar corselet, or klibanion, of the right-hand figure is accurate enough however, though the muscled leather corselet of his companion
is of a type that had probably been obsolete for many hundreds of years.
Both corselets have thick leather strips called pteruges (‘feathers’) hanging from waist and shoulder. The cloaks indicate that these are probably horsemen.
Back to the full image of a Triptych Showing the Forty Martyrs, Byzantine, late 11th - early 12th century. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, W-299
Illustrations referenced by Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath & Angus McBride