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Saint Demetrius or Saint George, Byzantine Steatite Icon, 11th or 12th Century

An 11th century carved ikon of St George, in scale armour, with arm and body protection made of what appears to be a form of lamellar,
and closely resembles that seen on the St George ikon from Vatopedi monastery.
Source: 'Byzantine Arms and Armour from Contemporary Images' by Steven Lowe
St. Demetrius again. 11th cent. Steatite.
1. Kalavrezou-Maxeiner, Byzantine Icons in Steatite, Vienna 1985
2. Christopher Walter, The warrior saints in byzantine art and tradition, Ashgate Publishing 2003
Source: protostrator. Soapstone Warriors (military saints in byzantine carved icons)
Referenced on p10, MAA 89 Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath & Angus McBride:
A 12th century depiction of a military saint.
Manuscripts and murals depict Byzantine soldiers in apparently dated equipment throughout this period, so are not generally considered accurate.
The consensus appears to be that though their portrayal of helmets, swords and shields is reliable, the armour is deliberately archaic.
Such selective traditionalism, however, is improbable, and what seems more likely is that - barring exceptions obvious to even an untrained eye -
many contemporary pictures are more accurate than is often supposed.
Other 11th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Byzantine Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers