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Carved Ivory Plaque, Fatimid Egypt or Iraq, 11th-12th Century

Firenze, Museo Nazionale del Bargello.
Source: Fig. 131, Contadini, Anna (2005) 'Fatimid Ivories Within a Mediterranean Culture.' The Ivories of Muslim Spain, The Journal of the David Collection, ed. by K. von Folsach and J. Mayer, 2 (2). pp. 226-247.
Plaque, ivory. Fatimid Egypt, 11th century. H: 17; W: 7.6 cm - Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, inv. no 8oc 2.
Referenced on p.51 Saracen Faris 1050-1250 AD by David Nicolle and Christa Hook
Carved ivory plaque, Fatimid Egypt or Iraq, 11th-12th century. Not all hunting was done on horseback, even by the cavalry elite. (Bargello Museum, Florence, Italy)
Referenced on p.44, God's Warriors, Knights Templar, Saracens and the Battle for Jerusalem by Helen Nicholson & David Nicolle:
Carved ivory plaque, Fatimid Egypt or Iraq, 11th-12th century. Not all hunting was done on horseback, even by the cavalry elite. (Bargello Museum, Florence, Italy)
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