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Bowl with Labourer Carrying Basket, Fatimid Egypt, c.11th Century.
Keir Collection

MAKER: Artist Unknown
DATE: 11th century
General Description: Keir catalogue number C.007
Source: Dallas Museum of Art
fragment of a lustre painted bowl, showing a man with a large basket filled with fruit (?) strapped to his back, has recently appeared on the Paris art market5 (fig 4).
5 SALE: Art d'Asie, Antiques, Art Orientalise, Art d'Orient, Paris, Nouveau Drout, December 9-10, 1980, Lot 360, with illustration in colour. The piece is now in the Keir Collection.
Source: pp. 149-151, Grube, Ernst J. “A COLOURED DRAWING OF THE FATIMID PERIOD IN THE KEIR COLLECTION.” Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, vol. 59, no. 1/4, 1985, pp. 147–174.
Previous: Bowl with Labourer Carrying Basket, Fatimid Egypt, c.11th Century. Cairo Museum.
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