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Fatimid Wood Carving of Hunters, 11th Century

Carved wooden panels from the ruined 11th century Caliphal palace in Cairo, originally coated with a layer of detailed stucco sculpture; the basic wooden reliefs still show hunts-men and warriors.
Here a footsoldier with a large round shield on his back carries a short spear as he runs ahead of a mounted falconer.
(Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo). Source: p28 MAA - 125 - D.Nicolle - The Armies of Islam 7th-11th Centuries
Previous: Islamic Paper with Drawing of a Dancing Girl, mid-11th century. Keir Collection I. 14
Next: Fatimid Rectangular piece of wood with swordsmen, 11th century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Back to the smaller image of this Fatimid Wood Carving of Hunters, 11th Century. Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo.