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Man with Cups on Fatimid Bowl, 11th-12th century.

Lustreware plate with a design on an opaque white glaze of a seated figure holding drinking vessels.
A signature can be made out above the man's left hand reading Ja'far.
Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Islamic. Period: Fatimid period 11th C. AD. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Islamic Museum, Cairo.
Lustre painted bowl, Fostat, Egypt.
Ref: p22, Medieval Islamic Symbolism and the Paintings in the Cefalu Cathedral by Mirjam Gelfer-Jorgesen
Previous: Ivory casket with Lion Hunt, Fatimid Sicily or Southern Italy, 11th-12th Centuries, Pergamon Museum, Berlin
Next: Fatimid Manuscript with Two Soldiers, 11th-12th Centuries, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
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