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Greek Gospel book in the Biblioteca Laurenziana, Florence (Plut. 6.23)
Selected illustrations from the Book of Matthew
Folio 7r, Massacre of the Innocents by King Herod the Great

Folio 55r, Betrayal of Jesus by Judas

Folio 59r, Guards and Women at the Sepulchre

Greek Gospel book in the Biblioteca Laurenziana, Florence (Plut. VI.23).
Late 11th - early 12th century.
See also Barlaam and Ioasaph, The Holy Monastery of Iveron, Mount Athos, Greece, Codex. 463, Byzantine, ca. 1075-1125
Greek Psalter, Byzantine, 12th century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome,
Other 11th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Byzantine Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers