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Barberini Psalter
Biblioteca Apostolica, Vatican MS Barb. gr. 372
folio 8r - David fleeing from Absalom's army
Byzantine, 12th century

Picture Source: Biblioteca Apostolica, Vatican MS Barb. gr. 372
Artist: 12th century
Title: Barberini Psalter 12th century
Barberini Psalter 12th century f.8r: David fleeing from Absalom's army
Notes: this is a marginal psalter or monastic psalter.
Repository: Rome: Vatican Library Barb. grec. 372
Subject(s): Biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Manuscript. Barb. grec.372
Form / Genre: Manuscript illuminated
This has the same composition as Psalm 3, David fleeing from Absalom's army. Chludov Psalter, Byzantine, 9th century. Moscow Historical Museum MS 129, folio 3r
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