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Guards at the Tomb. Bible, Byzantine, 12th century.
Bibliothèque nationale de France Grec 74, folio 60r - upper.

A larger image of Guards at the Tomb. Bible, Byzantine, 12th century. Bibliothèque nationale de France Grec 74, folio 60r.
Title : Grec 74
Publication date : 1101-1200
Subject : BIBLE. Novi Testamenti partes. Evangelia
Type : manuscript
Language : greek, ancient
Format : Parchemin. - 215 fol. - Peint. - Petit format
Description : BIBLE. Novi Testamenti partes. Evangelia
Description : Evangelia IV
Description : Medic.-Reg. 2858.
Rights : public domain
Identifier : ark:/12148/btv1b105494556
Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. Grec 74
See also John Chrysostom, Allegory of the fight against anomoeanism, Byzantine, 12th century. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 806.
and other Byzantine Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Other 12th Century Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers