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David and Goliath in a Byzantine Psalter, 1105AD
Bodleian Library MS Barocci 15, f.343r.

f.343r, David and Goliath
Shelfmark: Bodleian Library MS. Barocci 15
Folio/page: fol. 343r
Title: Psalter. Etc.
Date: 1105
Place of origin: Constantinople
Languages: Greek
Source: Bodleian Library
Referenced as figure 116 in Arms and armour of the crusading era, 1050-1350 by Nicolle, David. 1988 edition
Psalter, “Goliath”, Byzantine manuscript, 12 Cent. (Bodleian Library, Ms. Barocci 15, f.342r, Oxford, England)
The artist responsible for this drawing of Goliath, while making a gesture in the direction of archaizing tradition with the warrior's pendant waist and arm protections, seems largely to have been influenced by reality.
The Philistine giant carries a straight broadsword from a baldric, throws a javelin, protects himself with a large round shield and seems to wear a brimmed chapel-de-fer.
One can imagine Byzantine light infantry being equipped in much this manner.
Referenced as figure 230 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
230. Manuscript, Goliath, 12th century AD, Byzantine, Bodleian Lib., Ms. Barocci 15, f. 342r, Oxford.
Other resources for Byzantines:
Barlaam and Ioasaph. Byzantine manuscript, 1075-1125AD. The Holy Monastery of Iveron, Mount Athos, Greece, Codex. 463
Frescoes in the Enkleistra (cave church) of St. Neophytos, Paphos, Cyprus, 1182-1196AD.
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