Illustration of Byzantine Soldiers in
Jesus Healing the Lame, Fresco in the Enkleistra of St. Neophytos, Paphos, Cyprus, 1182-1196AD

Photo source: Cyprus: Saint Neophytos Monastery
A hermitage in caves dug into a cliff face by St. Neophytos. Now part of a monastery complex.
According to written testimonies including an inscription by the painter, Theodore Apseudes, giving the date AD 1182/1183 and a statement by Saint Neophytos himself asserting: “in the twenty- fourth year of my confinement [1183] the Enkleistra was painted throughout (Mango and Hawkins, 1966, p.124), the date for the extended painted phase of the original nucleus of chambers has been established as AD 1182/1183, while, the final phase of the paintings (mainly in the naos) was attributed to a different and unknown painter around AD 1196.
The Enkleistra of St. Neophytos" by Kakoulli et al, in Asbestos JAS 2014
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