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Marble panel with man and monkey, Ghaznavid, early 12th century.
Linden Museum, Stuttgart, Germany.

A larger image of this marble panel with man and monkey, Ghaznavid, early 12th century. Linden Museum, Stuttgart, Germany.
Fragment of a marble wall panel, with a carved man and monkey, from Ghazni, Afghanistan, early 12th century.
Linden Museum, Stuttgart, Germany.
Photo by KarlHeinrich
See also a Ghaznavid or Saljuq Glass Medallion, Iran, Afghanistan or Central Asia, 12th century. Khalili collection GLS 608.
Wall paintings from one of the Ghaznavid palaces at Laškarī Bāzār in central Afghanistan
Silver Bowl, from Iran or Afghanistan, Ghaznavid?, 11th century, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, S-499
Other 12th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers