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Bronze Cauldron with Cavalrymen, Daghestan, 13th century
Victoria and Albert Museum

Figure 48, p.54 in Islamic art by Rice, David Talbot (1965)
48 Bronze cauldron from Daghestan decorated with equestrian figure and two eagles.
The rim is decorated with horses and lions.
It is probably to be dated to the twelfth century, though the style is very conservative and in many ways recalls Sassanian work.
Date: 13th century (made)
Victoria and Albert Museum number: 1415-1903
Image unavailable
Bronze, obtained at Bukhara.
PERSIAN (DAGHESTAN); 13th century. [Used until 1992]

Referenced as figure 427 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
427. Iron cauldron, 13th-14th centuries AD, Dāghistānī, Victoria and Albert Museum, London (A. Ivanov, The Art of Kubachi, (Leningrad 1976), A. S. Baskirov, Iskusstvo Dagestana: reznuie kamni, (Moscow 1931).)
A similar cauldron in the State Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, is Illustration 247, p259 in Tamara Talbot Rice, Ancient Arts of Central Asia, 1965
247 Bronze cauldron from Daghestan. The upper half of the vessel is divided into ace of spade sections of Central Asian origin containing a rider and horse. Thirteenth century
Another cauldron with Daghestani Cavalryman is in the Qatar Museum of Islamic Art, Doha
See also Relief of Drinkers with Dog, Daghestan, 14th century. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Other 13th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers