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Illustration from
Maqamat of al-Hariri
Bibliothèque nationale de France, manuscript Arabe 5847, 1237AD
Folio 58 Verso: maqama 21 Abu Zayd preaching

Abû Zayd prêchant
32. Illumination from Maqāmāt manuscript painted by al-Wāsiṭī in Baghdad in 1237 depicting a preacher addressing the congregation in a mosque.
The women seated in the upper gallery are wrapped in plain or brocaded silk mantles (ardiya), some of which have decorative borders.
They are wearing a variety of veils, including the qināʿ (or miqnaʿa), the niqāb, and the shaʿriyya.
One woman (third from left) is wearing a pair of black mesh gloves (Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, ms arabe 5847, folio 58 verso).
Source: Fig. 30, Arab Dress. From the dawn of Islam to Modern times by Smirna Si
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See also Illustrations of Arab Costume and Soldiers