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Syriac Gospel Lectionary
Church of the Forty Martyrs, MS 41, 13th century
The birth of Jesus

Recto folio, p31 from an undated (probably 13th century) Syriac Gospel Lectionary from the Church of the Forty Martyrs (formerly at Dayr Al-Zaˤfarān).
The painting, one of twenty in this manuscript, shows the birth of Jesus; it has suffered somewhat in the middle of the page and is thus not one of the better preserved.
Source: hmmlorientalia, 'Nativity reading from a Mardin Gospel Lectionary'
See also:
Syriac Gospel, British Library Ms. Additional 7170, London, c.1220
Jacobite-Syrian Lectionary of the Gospels, Monastery of Mar Mattai near Mosul, Iraq, c.1220. Vatican Library, Ms. Syr. 559
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