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Relief of a Horse Archer from the Church of the Monastery of Spitakover,
Vayots Dzor Province, Armenia.
It depicts Amir Hasan II Proshian (Proshyan), c. 1321 during Ilkhanid Rule.

Photo from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Hosts “Armenia!”
The scene is carved on three separate slabs of the south façade of the monastery church of Spitakavor (whitish).
On the left-hand slab, a young rider, armed with a bow, shoots an arrow at a deer.
The horse moves forward, and the rider is depicted turned towards the deer.
On the right-hand slab the wounded animal runs away, its head turned towards the hunter.
The rider is clad in princely attire: a long coat embracing his sturdy body with a jeweled belt.
His curly hair comes down to his shoulders.
The letters ԱՄՐ ՀՍ (AMR HS) inscribed on the two slabs above the rider’s shoulder, evidence that the figure represents Prince Amir Hasan of the Proshians, who erected the church.
Held by the History Museum of Armenia
Spitakavor Monastery: History
The only church of the complex is the Church of Spitakavor Saint Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother).
It is made of white felsite, and therefore is called Spitakavor meaning the white church of Saint Astvatsatsin (“spitak” means “white”).
Inscriptions preserved on the walls state the church was built by Prince Eachi Proshyan.
After Eachi passed away in 1318, his son Amir Hasan the Second continued the construction.
The church construction was completed in 1321.
Source: Go Yerevan
[The Proshyans were an important Armenian family from at least 1200AD]:
The capital of Zakaryan Armenia was the city of Ani, liberated in 1199.
The Zakaryans carried out state-administrative reforms, carried out the administrative division of the country, created provinces (Ararat led by the Vachutyans,
Syunik led by the Orbelyans, Vayots Dzor led by the Khaghbakyan-Proshyans), established new feudal families, and granted new ones.
Source: Armenian Wikipedia
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