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Detail of a Steatite Icon of Saint Demetrios
Byzantine, 14th Century

Photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen
Icône : Saint Démétrios
Stéatite : Empire byzantin, début du XIVe siècle
Cadre d'argent sur âme de bois : Balkans, XVIe siècle
Icon: Saint Demetrios
Soapstone: Byzantine Empire, the early fourteenth century
Silver frame on wooden core: Balkans, sixteenth century
Height: 17.50 cm. Width : 13.5 cm.
Ancienne collection Sarropoulos, Béhague, Ganay ; acquisition 1989
Département des Objets d'art, Louvre OA 11219
Referenced on p12 Byzantine Armies 1118-1461 by Ian Heath
St Michael, from a 12th century Thessalonikan steatite. He appears to wear a quilted corselet.
Back to the full image of this Steatite Icon of Saint Demetrios, Byzantine Thessalonika, early 14th Century. Louvre OA 11219.
See also a Byzantine Mosaic Icon with Saint Demetrios and Reliquary, 14th Century