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Illustration from
Kalîla and Dimna
of Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ, and ʿAbd Allâh (translator - to Fars),
Egypt or Syria, 1st quarter of the 14th century
folio 131v, fable: Shedram, Iraht & Iblad.
Executed under the Mamelukes. Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Arabe 3465
30. Miniature from an early 13th-century Kalīla wa-Dimna manuscript, probably from Baghdad, showing a woman in a narrow-sleeved,
full-length, close-fitting brocade robe wearing a wimple-like mandīl, held in place with a metal sar band, addressing the king,
who is wearing a qabāʾ turkī with uninscribed ṭirāz armbands, and chiseled gold tāj (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, ms arabe 3465, fol. 131 verso)
Source: Fig. 30, Arab Dress. From the dawn of Islam to Modern times by Smirna Si
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See also Illustrations of Arab Costume and Soldiers