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Byzantine Mosaic Icon with Saint Demetrios and Reliquary.
Museo Civico, Sassaferrato, Italy.

A larger image of this Byzantine Mosaic Icon with Saint Demetrios and Reliquary.
Mosaic Icon with St. Demetrios and Reliquary
While the mosaic dates to 14th century Constantinople, the above ampulla is from 13th-14th century Thessalonike, and would have borne holy oil drawn from the well in which the body of Demetrios reposes, according to the inscription. The metal revetment dates to mid-15th century Italy.
See also Barlaam and Joasaph, Byzantine, BnF Ms. Grec 1128, 14th century AD
The Betrayal of Jesus by Judas, Church of Panagia Phorbiotissa, Asinou, Cyprus
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