
A larger image of folio 99r, Nihayat al-su'l.
folio 99. Four riders in a team game are shown cantering round the hippodrome pool in a clockwise direction.
The riders are young and beardless which shows they are novices.
folio 99. 'Illustration of a number of horsemen taking part in a contest, their lances on their shoulders'
Title: Nihāyat al-su'l wa-al-umnīyah fī ta'allum a'māl al-furūsīyah Aqṣarā'ī, Muḥammad ibn 'Īsa ibn Ismā'īl al-Ḥanafī [140r] (291/602)
Date: 10 Muḥarram 773 (AH, Hijri qamari)
Written in: Arabic
Extent and Format: Codex; ff. ii+292+ii
Holding Institution: British Library: Oriental Manuscripts
Copyright for document: Public Domain
Qatar Digital Library
Executed under the Mamelukes, in Syria or Egypt, 1371AD. British Library, Add. 18866.