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The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Church of Bántornya (Turniče), North Eastern Slovenia
Painted in 1383 by János Aquila.
The scenes in this version are out of the usual order and there are some extra scenes.

Johannes Aquila
A painter from Radkersburg, Styria. His earliest works known were the frescos of the church of Velemér, made in 1378.
He also painted his self-portrait here. He painted the frescos of the church of Bántornya in 1383, 1389 and maybe in 1393.
At Mártonhely, besides the signatures of the frescos, a sign calls him the master of the church, built in 1392. He painted his self-portrait here, as well.
Fragments of his frescos (together with his signature) survived from the church of Augustine hermits in Fürfstenfeld, Styria.
At his birthplace, Radkersburg, wall-paintings were found in a house at 30 Main street, which may be in connection with his style.
The rotunda of Nagytótlak was presumably painted by the students of his workshop.
This style was influenced by Czech and North Italian painting. His self-portraits were the earliest artist-portraits in Europe.
Hungarian National Archive
Click on an image to enlarge it:
Pictures source: Armour in art

A larger detail of the Hungarian foot soldiers in the Bántornya fresco.
Picture source
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