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The Saint Ladislaus legend in Andreaskirche, Liptovský Ondrej, Slovakia

Source: imareal
Record Number: 012656
Subject: St. Ladislaus fighting against the Cumans
Ensemble: Mittelschiff, Liptovsky Ondrej, Andreaskirche
Place of Origin: Slovakia
Date: 1370-1380
Technique: fresco painting
Object Type: Wandmalerei-Zyklus
sacred/profane: sacred
Location: Liptovsky Ondrej, Slovakia
Institution: Andreaskirche
Photo No.: 7013495 : Primary Image
Referenced on p.24, D.Nicolle, A.McBride - MAA 195 Hungary and the Fall of Eastern Europe 1000-1568
'Pursuing Hungarians', Ladislas Legend, Slovakian wall-painting late 14th C.
This even more primitive picture puts the Hungarians in typical European armour, though only two men have klappviers on their bascinet helmets.
(In situ church, Liptovsky Ondrej, Czechoslovakia.)
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