The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Church of Rimavska Bana (Rimabánya), Slovakia
After 1375.

detail of the girl and St Ladislaus
Photo by Thaler Tamas
Referenced on p.23, D.Nicolle, A.McBride - MAA 195 Hungary and the Fall of Eastern Europe 1000-1568
'Fleeing Cumans', Ladislas Legend Slovakian wall-painting c.1370.
The primitive artist who made these paintings knew enough about nomad arms and harness to distinguish the Cumans from the pursuing Hungarians
(left) in a moderately realistic manner.
The fact that the Cumans wear almost European dress may even indicate their gradual assimilation by the late 14th century.
(in situ Evangelical Church, Rimavskŕ Bana, Czechoslovakia.)
Referenced as figure 883 in Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
883 Kipchak Cumans, 'Legend of St Ladislas', wall-painting, Slovakia. c.1370
(in situ Evangelical Church, Rimavská Baňa, Slovakia)
Here a portrayal of horse-archers shows considerable familiarity with such troops, except that their composite recurved bows are being used left-handed.
This may be an example of artistic licence resulting from the composition of the picture. The front archer has an accurately drawn box-type quiver on his hip.
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