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Illumination From A Manuscript Of The
Sulwan Al-Muta' Of Ibn Zafar
A War Elephant And Riders

A larger image of a War Elephant and Riders from the Sulwan Al-Muta' of Ibn Zafar, Mamluk Egypt, c.1325-50 AD. Homaizi Collection, Kuwait.
Photograph 23. Illustration in a copy of the Sulwān al-Mutā’ fī ʿUdwān al-Atbāc
by Muḥammad Ibn Abi Muḥammad Ibn Ẓafar, Mamlūk Egypt, probably early 14th century (Homaizi Collection, Kuwait).
"The Iconography of a Military Elite: Military Figures on an Early Thirteenth-Century Candlestick (Part II)" by David Nicolle, in Mamlūk Studies Review Vol. 19, 2016
The Frontispiece - Three Young Hunters, from the Sulwan Al-Muta' of Ibn Zafar
The story of the horse and the boar, from the Sulwan Al-Muta' of Ibn Zafar