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Germans fighting Hussites, 1437

Title: Sammelhandschrift zur Kriegskunst (Collective manuscript on the art of war)
Various authors; Johannes Wienner [scribe]
Location: Vienna
Date: mid-15th century; c.1437
Dimensions: 305 x 207 mm
Writing material: paper and parchment
Cover: Restored original binding: Red leather with pastel lines (diamond pattern) over wooden covers, Vienna ?, 15th century.
Illustrations: Numerous coloured pen drawings on 227 pages
Cod. 3062 Han
Bl. 41v-240r = (Pseudo-)Johannes Hartlieb: 'Kriegsbuch' = neu konzipierte 7-Kapitel-Fassung von Konrad Kyeser: 'Bellifortis' (dt., 5. Übersetzungsstrang)
Folios 41v to 240r contain (Pseudo-)Johannes Hartlieb: War Book = newly designed 7-chapter version of Konrad Kyeser: Bellifortis (5th translation.)
Source: Wien Bildarchiv der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek image 315
Back to images of the Hussite wars, Sammelhandschrift zur Kriegskunst Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Cod. 3062 Han
See also Hussite handgunners in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath, based on this Johannes Hartlieb: 'Kriegsbuch' miniature
A Hussite pavise in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath, based on this Johannes Hartlieb: 'Kriegsbuch' miniature