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Equestrian portrait of Constantine on a gold medal, by Antonio Pisano (Pisanello), Italy, 1402

A larger image of the Equestrian portrait of Constantine on a gold medal, by Veronese artist, by Antonio Pisano (Pisanello), Italy, 1402
Equestrian portrait of Constantine on a gold medal, by Veronese artist, by Antonio Pisano (Pisanello), Italy, 1402
In Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry one of the magi, Balthasar, looking rather like a sultan with his black beard and turban, was inspired by an equestrian portrait of Constantine on a gold medal, by Veronese artist Antonio Pisano, owned by the Duc de Berry (a copy is now in the Bibliothèque Nationale).
See also the Medal of John VIII Palaeologus, by Antonio Pisanello, Italy, 1438-1442