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The tomb effigy of Stibor of Beckov, Hungary, 15th century

Stibor (Scibor, Czibor) the younger's grave monument (died 1434) in Budapest History Museum.
Stibor of Beckov was the son of Stiborici Stibor (Voivode of Transylvania 1395 - 1401 & 1409 - 1414).
He was Lord of Árva and a member of the Order of the Dragon.
Referenced on p22, MAA - 195 - D.Nicolle, A.McBride - MAA 195 Hungary and the Fall of Eastern Europe 1000-1568
Funerary effigy of The Chamberlain Stibor, c.1430. This detailed carving shows a leading Hungarian aristocrat in full Italian-style armour.
Nothing except his unusual heraldry, and the stiffness of the figure distinguish him from a 15th century Italian knight. (Budapest Historical Mus., Budapest.)
See also The tomb effigy of Imricha Zapolyai, c.1487, Spiská, Slovakia
Illustrations of Hungarian Costume and Soldiers