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Ferdinand of Tyrol in Hungarian Tournament attire. (16th century).

Képaláírás: A Műbarátok Köre kiadásában megjelent Magyar Műkincsek czímű díszműbol.
Tiroli Ferdinánd magyar torna-öltözetben. (XVI. század.)
(Az uralkodó-ház műtörténeti gyűjteményében, Bécsben.)
Ismertető szöveg: I. Ferdinánd király fia, Tiroli Ferdinánd főherceg lelkesedett a huszáros fegyverzetért. Prágai, pilseni és insbrucki udvarában számos huszártornát rendezett, melyen személyesen is résztvett. A bécsi művészettörténeti múzeum ma is őrzi "fehér huszár" öltözetét és fegyverzetét. (Forrás:
Caption: Friends of the Art Circle edition published in Hungarian Art Treasures.
Ferdinand of Tyrol in Hungarian Tournament attire. (16th century).
(The ruling-house art historical collection, Vienna.)
Reference Text: Son of King Ferdinand I, Archduke Ferdinand of Tyrol was enthusiastic about the hussars.
At Prague, Pilsen and Innsbruck courts he organized a number of hussar tournaments, in which he personally participated.
The Museum of Fine Arts Vienna has preserved his "white hussar" clothing and weaponry. (Source:
Source: Hungarian National Archives
In these "Hungarian style" tournaments, the participants wore Hungarian and Turkish costumes and used sabres to strike off feathers attached to their opponents' helmets and to the apex of their painted shields.
Even at a time when Turkish armies were a constant threat to eastern Europe, their costumes and tactics were imitated by their foes.
Other illustrations of Hungarian Costume & Soldiers
16th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers