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Hungarian soldiers by Jost Amman, 1570

Gyalog és lovas magyar vitézek.
A lovasok meganniyian főurak Így ábrázolja őket Jost Ámán, Miksa király nünbergi 1570. évi bevonulását ábrázoló festményén. melyet most a müncheni kir. képtár őríz.
Hungarian cavalry and foot soldiers.
The cavalry of the Hungarian aristocrats, as depicted by Jost Amman for Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II, King of Hungary, Nuremberg 1570.
The painting was made that year. It is now in the Royal Munich Gallery.
Source: Nádasdy Ferenc Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary. Inv: HuD 89.83.1
Width: 24.70 cm
Height: 14.80 cm
Jost Amman: Magyar nemesek (főurak) és gyalogosok menete Miksa király nürnbergi bevonulásakor, 1570.
Helyszín: Müncheni királyi képtár
Location: Munich Royal Gallery
In 1570, John Sigismund Zápolya (John II) signed the Treaty of Speyer with Ferdinand's Habsburg successor, Maximilian II.
John II again renounced his claim as King of Hungary in favour of Maximilian II, thus ending the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom.
John instead was recognized by Maximilian II as "Prince of Transylvania and the Partium" (princeps Transsylvaniae et partium regni Hungariae dominus;
that is, Prince of Transylvania and part of Hungary) from 1570 until his death (1571)
See also:
Hungarian Hussar of the sixteenth century, by Jost Amman
Brenhidai Huszár Péter Peter 'Hussar' Brenhidai, late 16th century
Illustrations of Hungarian Costume and Soldiers