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Statue of Sv. Juraj / St. George & the Dragon, Levoča, Slovakia, c.1515

Obr. [Fig.] 3 Sv. Juraj, Levoča (foto Pamiatková správa, Levoča)
From Reflexia rytierstva v stredovekej sakrálnej ikonografii na Slovensku by Miroslav Huťka

From Sprá, 2008
Majster Pavol z Levoče.
Master Paul of Levoca
Kostola svätého Jakuba v Levoči
Church of St. James in Levoca
Equestrian sculpture of St. George.
It is very probable that it is the work of Master Pavol (is it his masterwork?) from about 1515.
It is standing on the original bracket in the corner of the St. George Chapel.
The space behind is complemented by mural paintings related to the legend of St. George.
The group consists of three separate carvings having a close relation to the sculpture of St. George in the church in Spiská Sobota.
Herman Kotrba renovated the sculptures in 1973. Source: St. Jamess Church in the town of Levoča
From the same church: Mural of Dorus expelled, Levoča, Slovakia, c.1380-1400
See also: The tomb effigy of tefan Mariái, Markuovce, Slovakia, 1516
Illustrations of Hungarian Costume and Soldiers