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Egyptian Admiral & Counselor of the Sultan from
De gli habiti antichi, e moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due,
fatti da Cesare Vecellio & con discorsi da lui dichiatati...
(Of Ancient and Modern Dress of Diverse Parts of the World in Two Books . . .)
by Cesare Vecellio, 1590

Egyptian Admiral & Counselor of the Sultan
Zaccaria Pagan from Belluno wrote the report of the voyage to Cairo of his master, the ambassador Domenico Trevisan in 1512.
He saw the Mamluk sultan Qānṣaw al-Ġawrī and describes his dress and headgear very well together with those of his officials.
The manuscript was accompanied by two coloured drawings that still existed in the 19thc.,
in the collection of the Piloni family where it was kept together with many works and manuscripts by Cesare Vecellio.
Thus it is possible then that the Vecellio's drawings were inspired by Pagan's work.
Source: Gentile Bellini E l'Oriente by Maria Pia Pedani
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