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St. Mercurius, Coptic, Egypt, 9th-10th Century.
Acta martyrum (Acts of Martyrs) f.287v, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Ms. Vat. Copt. 66.

folio 194v, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Vat.copt.66
f.194r, St. Theodorus Stratelates, Coptic, Egypt, 9th-10th Century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Ms. Vat. Copt. 66.
f.210v, St. Theodorus Stratelates, Coptic, Egypt, 9th-10th Century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Ms. Vat. Copt. 66.
Referenced as figure 143 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
143. Manuscript from St. Anthony in the Desert, 'Sts. Mercurius and Theodore', 9th-10th centuries AD, Coptic, Bib. Vat. Ms. Copt. 66, ff. 194r, 194v [210v] and 287v, Rome (Ler C).
See also a Warrior Saint on a wooden door panel, 9th century AD, Coptic, in situ, Church of Abū Sarga, Cairo, Egypt.
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