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Dish with mounted falconer from Utemil'skii
c.10th century. Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

A larger image of this Dish with mounted falconer from Utemil'skii.
Source: Silk Road Seattle
Dish with mounted falconer.
Central Europe/Hungary, ca. 10th c. Silver, gilding. Found 1891 Utemil'skii, Viatka prov. Russia
Published: Smirnov no. 157; Darkevich pl. 56/4, p. 170.
See also a Magyar? horseman on a silver dish from Muzhy, 9th - 10th centuries
Magyar?, Khazar?, Alan?, or Bulgar? horseman and captive on a ewer from Nagyszentmiklós, 8th - 10th centuries.
Dish with mounted Magyar? archer from Berezovskii u., Tobol'sk province, c.10th century
Illustrations of Hungarian Costume & Soldiers