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Byzantine Plates - Herakleios, early 7th century
Confrontation of David with Eliab

While the theme of the set of plates is clear, the subject of each individual plate is sometimes difficult to determine.
The scene here has been identified as showing David’s eldest brother, Eliab, accusing David of neglecting his duty
as a shepherd to watch the battle with Goliath (1 Samuel 17:28–30). It may also portray Goliath’s challenge to David
(1 Samuel 17:41–45) or David’s meeting with the Egyptian soldier (1 Samuel 30:11–15).
Made in Constantinople
Dimensions: Overall: 14 x 2.3 cm, 380g. Foot: 6.4 x 0.8 cm
Source: Metropolitan Museum of New York Accession Number: 17.190.395
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Back to the smaller image of the Confrontation of David with Eliab - Byzantine Plates - Herakleios, early 7th century. Metropolitan Museum, New York, 17.190.395.