An Illustration from the Joshua Roll
Israel Pursues the Amorites as the Sun Stands Still. Joshua is Told the Five Kings are in a Cave.
 A larger image of Joshua Roll 13r - Israel Pursues the Amorites as the Sun Stands Still. Joshua is Told the Five Kings are in a Cave. Joshua Roll, Va. Pal. Graec. 431.
Josua-Rolle, Codex Vaticanus Pal. Graec. 431. Byzantine, 10th century. Biblioteca Apostolica, Vatican.
Referenced on p5, MAA 89 Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath & Angus McBride:
Spirited cavalry engagement from the Joshua Roll, dating to the first half of the 10th century.
The men wear hip-length corselets with pteruges at shoulder and waist, plus iron helmet and leather harness of breast-band and shoulder-pieces.
Note also their large shields and kontaria. The officer figure at left sports an impressive helmet crest. (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome)
Previous: Joshua Roll 12r - The Embassy of the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites Ask For Help Against the Amorites. Defeat of the Amorites.
Next: Joshua Roll 14r - The Israelite Commanders Place their Feet on the Necks of the Five Amorite Kings.
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