'Khusraw's Dial'. Klimova 'Moon Chariot' Plate
Silver-gilt plate from Klimova, Perm region. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

A larger image of 'Khusraw's Dial'. Silver-gilt plate from Klimova with Enthronement Scene, Perm region. Hermitage S-43.
Title: Dish 'Khusraw's Dial' Depicting Two Warriors Riding a Chariot and Two [Four] Zebu
Place of creation: Iran
Date: 7th century
Material: silver
Dimensions: diameter 21.6 cm
Acquisition date: Entered the Hermitage in 1908; transferred from the Imperial Archaeological Commission
Inventory Number: S-43
Source: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. S-43.
Referenced as Plate I on p 50, Thrones and Enthronement Scenes in Sasanian Art by P. O. Harper.
"The three remaining silver vessels with "Sasanian" scenes of enthronement are, as will be explained below, almost certainly Islamic in date.
One, from Klimova, in the Perm, has an illustration of a banqueting couch throne (Pl. I).5 The figure seated upon it wears no form of royal headdress at all.
The two other vessels in the Tehran Museum (Pl. IVa)6 and in the Walters Art Gallery (Pl. V)7
show persons whose crowns resemble but do not closely imitate Sasanian royal headdresses. On the evidence of these five vessels,
all of which have figures seated upright on banqueting couches, it has been assumed that this was the standard Sasanian throne type.
No examination has been made of the early Sasanian rock reliefs (Pls. VI, VIIa) with enthroned kings nor of the Sasanian coins (P1. IVb),
where an entirely different throne appears. It is with this first type that a discusion of the Sasanian throne must begin."
A similar plate with the cows of the Moon’s chariot are being pulled by Apam-Napāt is referenced as Fig. 26 – The cows of the Moon chariot pulled by Apam-Napāt in The Vocabulary and Syntax of Iconography in Sasanian Iran by Abolala Soudavar
See also The cows of the Moon’s chariot are being pulled by Apam-Napāt. Silver-gilt plate. Bonhams, Lot 177, 2012
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