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Capture of Bimbisara (portrayed as a Chinese Official), by Soldiers (portrayed as Uighurs)
Kumtura, Central Asia, 8th-9th Centuries.

A larger image of the Capture of Bimbisara (portrayed as a Chinese Official), by Soldiers (portrayed as Uighurs)
Bimbisaras Gefangennahme (Szene aus der Amitayurdhyana Sutra)
8./9. Jh.
Kumtura, Xinjiang (Provinz) China
Farbe auf Lehm
Objektmaß: 23 x 29 x 4,3 cm (in Gips)
Gewicht: ca. 8 kg
Ident.Nr. III 8915
Sammlung: Museum für Asiatische Kunst | Süd-, Südost- und Zentralasien
© Foto: Museum für Asiatische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Fotograf/in: Jürgen Liepe
Bimbisara's Capture (scene from the Amitayurdhyanasutra)
8th/9th. Century.
Kumtura, Xinjiang (Province), China [see a Map of Central Asia]
Colour on clay
Size of the object: 23 x 29 x 4.3 cm (in plaster)
Weight: approx. 8 kg
ID No. III 8915
Collection: Museum of Asian Art | South-, Southeast- and Central Asia
© Photo: Museum of Asian Art at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Prussian Cultural Heritage
Photographer: Jürgen Liepe
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