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Bowl with rider, Nishapur, 10th Century
David Collection Museum, Copenhagen

A larger image of this bowl with rider, Nishapur, 10th Century. David Collection Museum, Copenhagen.
Earthenware bowl, covered with a white slip and painted in black, yellow, and green under a transparent glaze
Eastern Iran, Nishapur; 10th century
Height: 8.5; Diameter: 22 cm
This colourful bowl belongs to a special group of ceramics that was produced at the same time as slip-painted types that were far simpler with regard to both color and motif.
A horseman in chain mail lifting a sphere high in his right hand is riding off with something that could be viewed as a gigantic hunting falcon.
He is surrounded by a dense forest of naturalistic, abstract, and non-figurative elements.
A great deal of energy has been expended on debating whether these bowls hark back to pre-Islamic traditions or were made for a specific social or ethnic group in Nishapur –
but we still know nothing.
Inv. no. 25/1968
Source: David Collection Museum, Copenhagen
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