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Bowl with Seated Figure, 10th Century, Samanid Nishapur, Persia.

A larger image of this bowl with seated figure, 10th Century, Samanid Nishapur, Persia. Glass and Ceramics Museum, Tehran, Iran.
Ceramic Bowl, 10th Century A.D., Nishapur, Persia
Ceramic bowl, under-glaze painted, wheel made, 10th century A.D., Nishapur, Persia.
In the collection of the Glass and Ceramics Museum, Tehran, Iran
Source: A.Davey
Previous: Bowl with figure and birds, 10th century, Nishapur, Eastern Persia. ex-Xavier Guerrand-Hermès Collection.
Next: Bowl with Ship, Nishapur, 10th Century. Reza Abbasi Museum, Tehran, Iran.
Back to Bowls with figures from Nishapur, Kurasan, Iran, 9th-10th centuries, Saffarid-Samanid period