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The "Perozan Plate"
A Sasanian King Hunting Tigers

Title: Dish with Scene of the Royal Hunt
Place of creation: Iran
Date: First half of the 7th century
Material: silver
Technique: cast, chased, engraved, nielloed and gilded
Dimensions: diameter 24.8 cm; height 3.6 cm
Place of finding: former Perm Province, the Villiage of Maltsevo
Acquisition date: Entered the Hermitage in 1922; formerly in the G.S. Stroganov collection
Inventory Number: S-13
Source: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. S-13.
Dish with king hunting tigers.
1st half 7th century. Silver, gilding. Diameter 24.8 cm.
Inscription: "Weight 244. Property of Perozan."
Found Maltsevo, Perm provence. Bought for S.G. Stroganov 1878; acq. 1925. Inv. no. S-13.
Published: Smirnov no. 60; Trever and Lukonin no. 11; Stroganoff no. 195, pp. 100, 236.
Referenced as figure 342 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
342. Silver dish, 6th-9th centuries AD, Iranian or Transoxanian, Hermitage, Leningrad (Orb).
Back to the smaller image of the "Perozan Plate", A Sasanian King Hunting Tigers. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. S-13