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Post-Sasanian silver-gilt plate from the Kama region.
Enthroned ruler drinking with attendants and musicians.
Central Asia or Eastern Iran, 7th to 9th centuries.

Dish depicting ruler at feast.
2nd half 8th- 1st half 9th c., E. Iran . Silver, gilding. Dia. 25.8 cm.
Found prior to 1860 upper Kama R. reg.; ex-G. S. Stroganov Coll. Acq. 1911 from M. G. Shcherbatova.
Pub.: Smirnov no. 64; Darkevich no. 70, pl. 6/4, pp. 40-41; Marshak T31 (stageA5).
Source: Museum Collections of Silk Road Art
17. Feast scene. Silver dish with gilding. 10th century.
Source: R.V. Kinzhalov, V.G. Lukonin Cultural Monuments of Sassanian Iran. Publishing house of the State Hermitage. 1960.
Referenced as Plate 236, Darkevich, Svetskoe iskusstvo Vizantii: X-XIII veka, (Moscow 1975). [990MB] Secular Art of Byzantium: X-XIII centuries.
Пир царя Серебряное блюдо, найденое в Прикамье Среднн Ази или Восточный Иран VII-IX вв.
King's Feast Silver Dish, found in the Kama region. Central Asia or Eastern Iran, 7th-9th centuries.
Referenced as Plate 190, Sarre, Die Kunst des Alten Persien
See a similar composition on a Silver Bowl, from Iran or Afghanistan, 11th century, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, S-499
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