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Vajrapani, one of the earliest bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism
Mucilinda cave, Tuyoq (70 km east of Turfan), 8th Century AD (?)

Source: fig. 51, p 54, Bilderatlas zur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Mittel-Asiens : vol.1 by Albert von Le Coq
Translated from the German:
fig. 51 (G. 655) Vajrapāṇi, Mucilinda cave, Tuyoq, 8th Century AD (?)
Armoured with defensive collar and upwardly directed scales.
Previous: Clay Figurines of Cavalrymen, Astana, Central Asia, 7th-10th Centuries Next; A horseman and camel-rider from Dandān-Uiliq at Khotan, Tarim Basin
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